What We Do

If you head over to Facebook and request to join our group, you’ll notice that the community is closed, which means only members can see the content. Every membership request is manually screened for approval. We keep spammers out, ensure no fake accounts get in, and keep unwanted solicitation from being a part of Award Travel 101™.

Our community is a friendly environment for people to share and learn about miles and points; there’s no room for spam, self-promotion, or grouches. Make sure you’ve got a profile picture (so we know you’re real), and if you’re new to Facebook, we’ll ask you to hold off a few months before joining the group so you can get your feet wet. There’s no cost to participate in Award Travel 101™, and there never will be, although when you’re ready to up your travel game to a higher level, we also have a paid subscription group, Award Travel 201, where the information will be targeted toward greater value redemptions, your posts don’t need approval, but they are moderated to ensure greater value from content.

In addition to questions submitted by our members, Award Travel 101™ has a weekly calendar of featured posts focused on different aspects of award travel.


Monday - #DecisionMonday

Wondering which credit card should you get next or have specific questions about your card benefits? Credit cards are a massive part of points and miles accumulation; post your specific question here, and we’ll make sure they all get answered.


Tuesday - #TACOTUESDAYqa - 9 PM US/Eastern

The awesome team of moderators host this 1 hour rapid-fire Q+A each Tuesday at 9pm. From the best redemption strategies for Hawaii to saving money on rental car insurance, you can ask anything you want about miles, points, credit cards, or travel. Just enter your questions in the comments of the post and get answers live and in real time!


Wednesday - #WheretogoWednesday

Wondering where to go next? What to do when you get there? Best restaurants, tour companies, or places to visit while you’re there? Ask all your questions that aren’t related to miles and points here! With over 110,000 members, you can be sure someone will have a recommendation for you.


Thursday - #decisionthursday

Because we get so many questions about credit cards, we’ve added a second weekly thread to help everyone get the answers they need. Just like on Monday, you can ask about which card to get next, what benefits come with a specific card, or anything else credit card related.


Saturday - #weekendearnandburn

All weekend long, ask your questions about burning your miles and points. Have a question about booking award flights? Not sure what the best routings are or the what is the best program to use? This is the place to ask. If you’re pretty good at redeeming, be sure to stop by too and help out other members when you can.


sunday - #shareyoursnapsunday

Do you have a great picture from your last trip or the trip you’re currently on? This is the place to share it and show everyone your amazing photography skills. Maybe even make a few members jealous. Don’t worry, they’ll have a chance to get you back next time.